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Trump is losing all by himself. Harris doesn’t need to help.

As we watch former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign implode, it’s fun to watch his base go crazy about Vice President Kamala Harris’ rise to stardom.
Yes, I said stardom because I believe that’s the only thing that gets under Trump’s skin − someone getting more attention than him.
Since July 21, when President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Harris’ joy and laugh have captivated audiences worldwide. She has surged in the polls, set record-breaking fundraising totals and earned support from Democratic and Republican leaders.
Why has the Democratic presidential nominee proved to be so popular? Because America needs a breath of fresh air, and anyone is a better option than Trump.
I expected last week’s interview on CNN with Harris and running mate Tim Walz to be joy-filled and positive, and that’s exactly what it was − albeit safe. But she doesn’t need to put on a show to win this election.
As a Black and South Asian woman, she must manage a fine line between being perceived as passionate and being seen as angry. My favorite moment of the interview involved Harris being asked about Trump’s racist comment about her suddenly turning Black.
Harris’ response: “Same old, tired playbook. Next question, please.”
Why I’m fired up about Harris:Black women are ready for our place on America’s main stage
She’s right; Trump’s race-baiting, name-calling and divisiveness are played out and tired. Americans are over it.
Critics have noted that Harris has not taken questions about her candidacy in a formal press conference by herself. Yet, at this point, she doesn’t need to stand before the news media to connect with voters.
Trump is destroying his campaign all by himself. He has had media mishap after mishap. From his Black jobs comment during the first presidential debate to the Arlington National Cemetery debacle, he has proved that he can lose this election without his opponent saying a word.
Is Trump the military leader we want?Trump’s appalling desecration of Arlington National Cemetery shows he still can’t be trusted
The communications plan that Harris’ team is executing is working. It’s just enough to ride the blue wave without taking unnecessary risks.
A poll taken after the Democratic National Convention shows the strategy’s results, with Harris’ lead over Trump growing.
On Tuesday, we will watch the much-anticipated presidential debate between Harris and Trump. I expect her to be calm and demure; she doesn’t have to do much to provoke Trump.
Remember, as you watch them interact on the debate stage and in the final weeks of the campaign, that the next president has to be able to make sound decisions that affect all Americans. He or she must work with people who may disagree at times and do so without creating havoc.
Our next president also will have to nominate leaders whose ethics can be trusted and whose loyalty is to our nation and our Constitution, not to a political party.
Our values as Americans might not always align, but the love of our nation should unite us for the betterment of everyone. Together, we can create the American dream.
Marla Bautista is a military fellow columnist at USA TODAY Opinion.
